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While we create a Regenerative Agriculture Model Farm, we recognize that this platform will not be static. We must provide opportunities for these systems to evolve and innovate. To do so, we will use the model proposed by Basso (2020) of optimize, replace, and replace and redesign, which involves different timeframes for various phases


Digital and Precision Agriculture Innovations 

Circular grain production will include the optimization of agrochemical and energy inputs needed to grow crops. These inputs account for a major portion of production costs and the environmental footprint. Precision agriculture provides the ability to spatially vary inputs with precision and improves input use efficiency (e.g., seeds, water, nutrients and pesticides). Until recently, however, we could not analyze for matching crop needs in nearly real-time. Studies have shown that by integrating a suite of digital agriculture and precision technologies to resolve spatial and temporal variability in environmental conditions (soil, weather, topography) and their interactions with management and genetics, substantial improvements to nutrient-use efficiency, and climate resilience.  


New biologicals or microbials can now fix nitrogen in roots by efficiently manufacturing inorganic nitrogen in situ thus reducing the need for chemical fertilizer. Microbial bio-stimulants can reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers through naturally produced nitrogen available to plants. Companies like Pivot Bio developed commercial products of microbial products capable of fixing and delivering nitrogen to roots. Further understanding of the performance of these biologicals is needed to capture soil and climate variability. Mycorrhizal inoculants are another example of commercially available bioinoculants to enhance phosphorus efficiency and improve soil health. K-State Regen-Ag is collaborating with Valent Biosciences on a mycorrhizal inoculant to improve phosphorus efficiency and plant and soil health. 


Crop Breeding for Root Traits and Perenniality 

Autonomous Systems 

As a natural progression of digital agriculture, use of autonomous systems can streamline much of the decision-making and operations surrounding the timing and placement of agrochemicals, seeds, and cover crops. Autonomous systems could allow smaller, more energy-efficient tractors and implement them to replace current trends toward larger equipment. Smaller, lighter, or airborne equipment will save fuel or electricity, and also minimize soil compaction thus reducing surface run-off of water and nutrients. This equipment will also dramatically improve pesticide and nutrient efficiency with site-specific, on-demand spraying and make increasingly feasible logistics of managing of more complex and ecologically resilient cropping systems (i.e., cover crops, perennial mulches, inter-cropping). 

New traits for deeper roots will allow for a more efficient use of resources from deeper soil layers, while more resistance to diseases will allow for reduced use of agrochemicals for crop and livestock protection. Recently, root system architecture can be monitored with new field instruments which allow for the selection of new genotypes with roots capable of optimizing water and nutrient uptake. Integrating perennials into annual crop production systems will benefit the overall system through utilizing different depth of soils and serving as wind breaks to create microclimate suitable for crops. Use of perennials at the edge of fields and in marginal and poor soils will be beneficial. In addition, there are recent innovations in developing perennial grain crops with well-developed deep root systems that allow effective use of water and nutrients.


The long-term goal of regenerative agriculture and this proposal is to redesign the farmscape so that it is multifunctional, climate resilient, and resource efficient while providing nutritious food for society.

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